Sunday, July 22, 2012


Everyone would agree that exercise is walking and jogging is one of the simplest aerobic exercises and the safest thing we can do. Did you know that walking or jogging will help strengthen bones, control weight, and condition of the heart and lungs. Do walking or jogging regularly and consistently is one of the most important factors in shaping a healthy physical activity program.

Research shows that people who walk approximately 20-25 miles per week over a long life a few years than those who do not. Exercise walking regularly can strengthen the heart by increasing its efficiency. Exercise walking, which made for life, it also lowers the risk of heart attacks and coronary vessel disease.
Walking for fitness program also strengthens muscles, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage, as well as tightens the muscles of the foot. Walking also strengthens bones. Especially in young women, walking can slow the occurrence of osteoporosis (brittle bones).

Health and fitness site always recommend that everyone would benefit from walking. Of course, this appeal is addressed to people who want to live healthy with regular exercise will. For people who are reluctant to exercise because of lazy, no time and a waste of time of these calls not apply to him.

With regular walking,  system in the body gets the better in the regulation of blood sugar. Therefore, many people with diabetes mellitus may reduce insulin requirements when they do exercise walking. Walking is also an ideal exercise to maintain body weight, because it can increase the use of calories, control appetite and burn fat.
Once the importance of getting the benefits of exercise on foot is in addition to the medical aspects of health in terms of health is also seen from the third element of fire. Walking activities will nourish the energy of the third element, the fire which is useful for digestion and blood flow in arteries and veins.

Walking is healthy energy in a second element, namely water. The second element of water handy are for strengthen muscles and kidneys healthy. In addition, walking is healthy energy in the first element, namely the earth useful to strengthen bones. Before you start walking, you should drink enough water.

These indexes benefit from walking exercise:

(1) Walk 5 minutes, the index for the benefit of the Fire element = + 5, + 5 = Water element and the element Earth = + 5.
(2) 10 minute walk, benefit index = + 10.
(3) 15 minute walk, benefit index = + 15.
(4) 20 minute walk, benefit index = + 20.

After walking continuously for 20 minutes, you should take a break from 5 to 10 minutes to restore power. Once the body feels more stamina, continue walking  maximum of 30 minutes to finish 45 minutes. Frequency good for walking or jogging at least three times a week (not on consecutive days). Better yet, if we practice 4-5 times per week.

The intensity of exercise should also be sufficient. What is meant here is the speed of the intensity we have to practice walking in order to achieve the training zone, which is when we reach the pulse of 60-80% maximum pulse rate (220 minus age in years).

On average, the required speed slightly faster than 6 miles per hour. Mostly, we just walk with a speed of less than 4 miles per hour. Therefore, we must accelerate slightly to be more beneficial to get enough aerobic value.

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